Sat.C.S. - Connettivitą Satellitare-Satellite Communication Services

Satellite Connectivity

The VSAT-type service, in the Ku band, offers guaranteed satellite band connectivity for the point-to-point interconnection of two locations (Arianna VSAT Service) or multipoint interconnection between multiple locations (Penelope VSAT Service). The use of small antennae (Very Small Aperture Terminal) facilitates installation in remote locations; the reception at our Teleport and a dedicated interconnection with the client’s own site guarantee high reliability for the connection. It is ideal for voice/data transmission as well as dedicated company applications.
  • Arianna VSAT
A simple and robust point-to-point type connection (of SCPC type), ideal for connecting the management offices to a remote site. Its high reliability, dedicated satellite band and minimum packet latency make this the perfect service for real-time applications such as videoconferencing.
  • Penelope VSAT
This is a mesh network (TDMA protocol) type of connection without a Hub allowing the simultaneous sharing of information and applications among all the network nodes through a single satellite jump. It supports multiple protocols (FR/ATM/IP/ISDN), adapting to the client's infrastructure needs. The dynamic allocation of bandwidth on request and the guaranteed voice service quality through QoS are able to optimise the use of the satellite bandwidth, overcoming the limits of a static connection with a dedicated bandwidth..

VSAT service

The SIRIO service, operating in the Ka band, offers point-to-multipoint shared band satellite connectivity (with TDMA protocol), capable of connecting all the remote sites in a star network having a single centre (Hub) to which the client’s management offices are connected.
This purely IP-type network allows for the dynamic allocation of the shared satellite bandwidth and the acceleration of the TCP protocol (appropriate protocol accelerators are used).
This service is ideal for sites that require a simple connection to the Internet, either for telemetry or for voice traffic data transmission, and which do not have particular real-time application needs.
SIRIO service

The MARITIME service offers satellite connectivity for ships, boats, cable-laying vessels, tankers etc.
The use of stabilised marine antennae, provided by major international manufacturers such as Orbit and Seatel and equipped with auto-tracking, allows one to never lose connectivity with the satellite, both during navigation and while at anchor (unaffected by the rolling of the ship).
The services offered can include data, voice and fax for business use, but also Internet access for non-business users (dedicated to the crew), as well as television services.
MARITIME service

Il The “machine-to-machine” service allows for the monitoring, acquisition and transmission via satellite of data from wells, pipelines, weather stations, etc.
This system is at the cutting edge of the newest generation, and thanks to its machine-to-machine technology it allows for control, collection of data and/or alerts, and real-time dispatch to a central server.
The devices used are small and therefore easy to install, and require no power supply (they are equipped with an internal long life battery).
M2M service